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VIDEO 1: Zoo Pals Game Site: All games were programmed in Actionscript (Adobe Animate) Click to play: | Carousel | Memory | MisMatch | Tic Tac Toe | Color | Puzzle. Bandwidth was an issue so I employed graphics tricks to conserve bandwidth. Hefty ZooPals were discontinued several years ago and the original game site is no longer online.
VIDEO 2: Trump Blow Hard Game: I wanted to make a game that multiple people could play across the internet at the same time. I purchased the domain and linked it to a droplet purchased from Digital Ocean. I installed an apache server and installed security code on the droplet. I coded the game on the back end so that it would work the same as a front end application. I used web sockets so that many people, anywhere, could play the game at the same time (instead of downloading the game to the browser for only one person to play). Since I optimized the game for the iPhone, I had to add code to disable some of the IOS features that interfered with rapid button pressing required by the game. The object of the game for BLUE is to eventually blow Trump’s hair off and blow his phone out of his hand. The object of the game for RED is to restore his hair and phone. By clicking the BLUE button 10 times, the animated image moves to the next scene and so on until his hair is blown away. By clicking the RED button, it reverses the sequence of animated images until his hair is restored. This way, another player in some other part of the world can reverse what a player is trying to do by clicking or pressing the opposite button. Any number of people can play at the same time and affect the outcome of the game. It is either a competition between BLUE and RED, or simply a way for BLUE to take out frustration.
The Learning Company Road Adventures USA - Freelance - Chicago section which was a VR tour of the Dinosaur exhibits at the Field Museum.